Nanocellulose corbiocel 纤维素纳米纤维

Regemat 3D
    • 产品概况
      • Cellulose nanofiber is a isolated material from the cell wall of plants by the deconstruction of cellulose. It has high viscosity at low material concentration due to its large specific surface and its high content of carboxyl groups.

        Cellulose nanofiber is a naturally derived biomaterial that can be chemically crosslinked with calcium chloride to create cell-laden hydrogels. These reagents are used in a variety of applications including bioprinting. In addition, it can be used with as a universal rheological modifier to allow printability of many biomaterials or as sacrificial material to form complex structures, being removed by washing away. The recommended preparation yields a streamlined matrix bioink that supports 3D printed cell-laden constructs.
        · Eucalyptus cellulose pulp obtained by TEMPO oxidation. 5 mmols / g cellulose.
        · The consistency of the suspension is 1,099 ± 0.002%, meaning 1 g of NFC dries for every 100 g of suspension.
        · It can be diluted in water by using homogenizer.
    • 产品特性
      • 保存
        The sample should be stored between 4°C - 8°C. Ensure container tightly closed to prevent drying. Freezing of the sample should be avoided as it may affect it physicochemical properties. The shelf life of the product is six months.
